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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Slew of Steampunk Goodies

First of all I would like to talk about the game Torchlight. It's like Diablo 2.5. a Stepping stone between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. It may seem like a knockoff but believe me it is worth a try. The graphics are very nicely stylized and the skills are fantastic. Also it's a steampunk game. And not only does it look great, it isn't a huge download and is relatively cheap. I love this game so much I've been playing it nearly non-stop. I'm going to have to award this game my RPG of the Year award, as well as a much deserved 10/10.

I also would like to mention the web-cast show Riese on, which you can watch here. It's a steampunk show filmed in Canada and it looks fantastic. I'm just a sucker for anyone with a wolf companion. There have only been two episodes so far, and though short they are great episodes. I highly recommend it to any fan of fantasy and science fiction.
