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Friday, September 25, 2009

but...he's gay!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Revolving Madness

So last night I saw the movie Revolver with Jason Statham and Ray Liota. A pretty good movie if you like watching insane acid-trip-like movies. Honestly I did enjoy it even if it did confuse the hell out of me most of the time. I think it's one of those movies where the more you watch it, the more sense it makes. Plus, how often do you find a movie where Jason Statham has semi-long hair and a 70s porn mustache? Not very often I'll tell you that right now. This movie is a total mind fuck and I recommend it to people who would like to see a cross between Barton Fink, Ocean's 11 and The Sopranos. Also let us not forget that Andre 3000, a member of the band Outkast did a pretty good job in this movie as well. I give it a well-earned 8/10.
