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Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Wheel of Dead Bleach

New Bleach manga is out ^_^ and the Vizard kick some gillian ass. I've also been trying to finish the first Slayers iteration and I should be finished by this weekend, at which point I'll try and finish Full Metal Panic TSR. Is it just me or does Slayers use the same attack sound effects as Dragonball? They both came out around the same time so it kind of makes sense.

I have decided that tomorrow I'll be churning out some quality Left 4 Dead time in a little diddy I like to call "Left 4 Fridead". Yes I am a genius *inflates ego*. Unfortunately I am limited to only single player or I'd ask for my loyal readers (like I have any) to join me! Maybe when Left 4 Dead 2 comes out I'll actually have money to buy it with. Most likely not.

I'm slowly working my way through the 9th book in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan entitled Winter's Heart. I'm greatly enjoying it as I have the other books in the series. Soon I'll have to purchase the next two books so I'll be able to move on without worry. Anyways I want to catch up on the series before the final book comes out. As fans of the series know Robert Jordan died a few years ago leaving Brandon Sanderson to finish the series. It seems that Jordan had much of the book basically plotted out so Sanderson really just had to put it all together. And justly Robert Jordan has the bigger author font.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Run Ichigo Run

New Bleach anime is out today watch it here. It is another filler episode but the trip to the beach actually was a little bit part in the manga, although they did expand it. Plus a bunch of the Bleach girls are in swimsuits *drool*.

I got around to playing the last Civilization 4 expansion Beyond the Sword. Pretty good an even bigger expansion than the others, lots of new empires, mods, scenarios and wonders. Thoroughly enjoyed it 5/5.

I watched the movie Run Ronnie Run the other day based on the referral of my friend Justin. It was very funny with cameos out the wazoo including a one minute Mary Poppins spoof with Jack Black which you can see here. It was a great movie with David Cross as the star (he was in movies such as Alvin and the Chipmunks, Scary Movie 2 and Kung Fu Panda as Crane. He was also a character in arrested development) and mostly appeals to Mr. Show fans. I'd never seen that show before and I liked it so it's possible that you will too. As far as comedies go it's a 7/10.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Civilization 4 Expansion Lowdown

I finally got around to playing the Civilization 4 expansion pack Warlords. In fact I even played Total Realism. I enjoyed them both in their own ways and each brought their own little bit to the game.

In Warlords it's all about the conflicts, hence the name. Some new empires have been added such as the Carthaginians and the Vikings. There are also a few new leaders such as Winston Churchill and Ramses II. Overall not a whole lot differs from the regular game except for the enthusiasm towards attacking and crushing your opponent. I did enjoy it. I give it a 3/5 as far as expansions go.

Total realism adds quite a bit more to the game. There are loads of new wonders, units, unit upgrades, a description when you get a historical person and even a few new research topics as well. The main point of this game though is that it travels slowly throughout the eras, making a whopping 850 turns of potential game play. Should you expect to play through every turn in one sitting you'd better clear your schedule because it will take 6 hours minimum. Overall though the expansion worked on many things and was quite satisfying, even if you can't do a whole game all at once. I give it a 4/5.
